Post-license education requires all new sales associate licensees to complete forty-eight (48) hours of post-license education courses within two (2) years of obtaining and activating a real estate license.
Course registration:
Register directly with an approved course provider. The KREC does not sponsor courses. ALWAYS use your full legal name (the one that appears on your license), your license number (not the NAR member number), and your residence address. Refer to the KREC-Approved PLE Provider Lists.
Q: Who is required to take Post-License Education (PLE)?
A: New sales associate licensees that have received and activated their real estate license after January 1, 2016. If you have received your sales associate license prior to January 1, 2016, you are not required to complete PLE. New broker licensees are not required to complete PLE. Sales associate licensees who receive their license through the license recognition process are also required to take PLE.
Q: What if I immediately place my new sales associate license into escrow, do I have to take PLE?
A: Not until you activate your license from escrow. The 2 year deadline for the PLE requirements begins to run once a new sales associate licensee affiliates with a principal broker. So, if you immediately place your license into escrow status you are not required to start completing your PLE requirements.
IMPORTANT: Once you affiliate your new sales associate license with a principal broker, your 2 year clock to complete the 48 hour requirement begins to run and cannot be paused or stopped if you decide to go into escrow after having been affiliated with a principal broker. You will need to complete these requirements even while in escrow or risk license cancellation.
Q: What happens if I do not complete my 48 hours of PLE by the end of my 2 year deadline?
A: Your license will be cancelled.
Q: If my license is cancelled due to failure to complete my PLE requirements on time, what can I do to reinstate my license?
A: You must first complete all of your PLE requirements before you will be able to reinstate your license. You will also be required to pay any and all required licensing fees and meet any applicable licensing requirements.
Q: Can I take the same PLE course twice and receive duplicate PLE credit?
A: No.