Please Read if Considering Filing a Complaint:
The Kentucky Real Estate Commission (KREC, also known as the Commission) works to protect the public through the regulation, examination, and licensure of real estate sales associates and brokers. The Commission also receives and investigates complaints involving its licensees.
KREC strives to ensure that the real estate profession is represented by knowledgeable and ethical individuals, this Commission’s duty is to protect the consumer and the profession by an unbiased review of allegations against licensed real estate agents and brokers.
KREC cannot provide licensees or consumers legal advice concerning a private business matter or draft or interpret any legal contract, agreement, disclosure, release, form or other document. See Kentucky Supreme Court Rule 3.13(4.2,4.3). We can only direct you towards the current Statutes and Regulations.
If an individual is practicing Real Estate without a license or for any other legal matters outside of KREC’s current Statutes and Regulations purview, we suggest you contact a real estate or civil Attorney. The Kentucky Bar Association may be able to help you find an attorney by clicking here.
If someone is threatening you bodily harm or harm to your property, please contact law enforcement.
Because each case is different in its complexity, we cannot provide an estimated time of resolution or discuss specifics until a final determination is made. The formal complaint process is not a quick process, it does take time. Each complaint is important to KREC and is due proper review and consideration by the Commission and its representatives.
- The process begins with the filing of an original notarized copy of Complaint form 300 filled out in its entirety and mailed to KREC at:
Attn: Angie Reynolds
KREC – Complaint
Mayo-Underwood Building
500 Mero Street 2nd Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
- If additional information or the complaint fails to constitute prima facie evidence (upon first review does the complaint show a violation of the KREC Statutes and/or Regulations), the party that filed the complaint may be contacted by KREC’s General Counsel for additional information. They will be asked to provide an original notarized copy of 302 Supplement to Complaint form. However, if the complainant still does not allege sufficient facts to establish a possible license law violation, then the case will be dismissed.
- After review, General Counsel will notify the respondent (licensee) in writing that they have 20 working days from receipt to respond to the Commission’s request via an original notarized copy of form 301 Sworn Answer to Complaint, including, if any, supporting evident or additional documentation.
- The Respondent is required to not only send a copy of their Sworn Answer to the Commission but also to the Complainant. The Complainant has 10 days to respond to the Respondent’s Sworn Answer if they have additional information to add that was not addressed in their initial Complaint. They will do this by filling out and providing an original notarized copy of 302 Supplement to Complaint form.
- General Counsel will than review and present the complaint to the KREC Complaint Review Committee (CRC) prior to the full Commission at one of the monthly meetings. At such time the Committee will recommend to the Commission one of the following: further investigation, and/or will request additional documentation, disciplinary action, hearing or dismissal of the complaint.
- If the case proceeds to a hearing, the General Counsel’s office will file a notice of hearing and charges with the Public Protection Cabinet’s Office of Administrative Hearings.
If a party has not been contacted, then the case has not progressed to the next stage.
Start the process by submitting a COMPLAINT FORM
Important information about the complaint form:
- The Respondent must be a practicing Real Estate Agent or Broker to file a complaint with KREC. If not, we suggest you contact a Real Estate or Civil Attorney.
The Kentucky Bar Association may be able to help you find an attorney. - Due to the Public Information Act (PIA), all information submitted to KREC is considered Public Information.
- There is a one year statute of limitations of when you knew or should have known of the facts that serve as the basis for the complaint.
- Do not make a claim of information or reference a document as an exhibit if you cannot provide a copy of the document in question.
- If you have or have acquired legal presentation at any time during this process, we ask that the Representing Attorney to please notify the Commission via a Notice of Entry letter mailed to the address above.
- Complete all forms concisely, including all pertinent facts, timelines, and attach copies of all documents relevant to your claim. These include, but are not limited to, contracts, emails, screen shots of text messages, photographs, social media posts, and any other documents as required by 201 KAR 11:190.
- KREC is not responsible for the returning any presented evident or exhibit items.
- Include the names and contact information for all witnesses relevant to the claim. At any point, you may attach additional pages as necessary.
- This complaint must be notarized and submitted to the KREC on 8 ½ x 11-inch paper without staples or it will be returned.
- Please include the Principal Broker’s information of the Respondents.
- You may submit exhibits on a disk or USB drive if your supporting evidence is in an electronic form.
- You must allege facts that, if true, would constitute a violation of KRS 324.160 by a licensee of the KREC.
- The filling of a KREC Complaint does not encourage or discourage the filling of any additional civil actions or additional litigation with the Real Estate Associations and/or the Courts.
The KREC will NOT consider:
- Disputes between its licensees that do not involve violations of KRS 324.160
- Matters of contractual interpretation or attempts to enforce contractual obligations
- Actions against a seller that does not hold a real estate license;
- Violations of the Realtor® Code of Ethics.
If you intend to make a damages claim:
You must allege that the licensee committed fraud as defined by 201 KAR 11:011 that resulted in the actual damages that you claim
- The damages you allege must be specifically related to the property – you will not be compensated for collateral costs or emotional damages
- You must attach an additional sheet clearly detailing the damages claimed. For each item of damage, explain the amount of damage claimed for that item and how it is specifically related to the property.
- Attach any and all documents to support your damage claim, including names and contact information for all witnesses necessary to prove the claim.
All Complaint Forms and Documents:
300 Sworn Statement of Complaint
301 Sworn Answer to Complaint
302 Supplement to Complaint