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FAQs for Applicants

Q:  When do I need to send my request for the FBI report?
A:  You must send the request prior to taking the exam.  It is advisable to send off for the report as soon as possible.  Please be aware that the FBI report is only good for 90 days once it has been issued.
Q:  After I pass the required licensing examination, how long do I have to apply for my license?
A:  Once you have passed the exam, you have 60 days to apply for your license.  You must send everything to the Commission in one package within 60 days of passing the exam.  All required deadlines must be met.
Q : After I complete my classes, how long do I have to complete the state licensing exam and apply for my license?
 Pre-license education does not expire. There is no time limit between the completion of the course requirements and when you take the exam. After completing the state licensing exam, you must apply for your license within 60 days.
Q: Are appraisal courses accepted for education requirements for the sales associate or broker license?
 Appraisal courses approved by the KREC are accepted. Approval from the Appraiser’s Board is not sufficient. Applicants can have no more than one-half their required real estate hours in appraisal. For the required sales associate education, only 48 of the 96 classroom hours can be in appraisal courses. For the broker’s license, only six of the required 12 credit hours in real estate or 96 of the required 192 classroom hours can be in appraisal courses. All elective credit for the broker’s license may be completed in approved appraisal courses. Please fax a copy of the transcript or completion certificate to the Commission if you have a question regarding a particular course.
Q: What is required as proof of completion of real estate education credits?
 A copy of a completion certificate or transcript from an approved provider or a transcript from a college showing completion of the required hours. 
Q: Are attorneys exempt from pre-license requirements?
 No, attorneys must complete the same requirements as all other applicants. If the attorney completed a total of six credit hours in Contracts I, Property I, Property II and other real estate designated courses in law school, these hours may be used to fulfill their education requirements for the sales associate license. The applicant will need to obtain a transcript from law school to provide to the Commission.
Q: What is required as proof of completion of high school?
 A copy of the high school diploma, GED, high school transcript, or a copy of a college degree or transcript from a college or university showing completion of at least 28 credit hours. Information printed from a website is not considered acceptable proof.
Q: What if I did not graduate from a high school in the United States?
 If you graduated from a high school program in another country, you will need to provide the following items:
  1. A copy of the original diploma or transcript;
  2. A translation of the original document in English certifying that it is true, accurate and complete; and
  3. A letter to the Commission indicating that the education is equivalent to a high school diploma or GED. The comparison shall be made either by: